Title Insurance and Search Work - Independent Title Agency is a full service abstract and title insurance agent business able to provide our services throughout New York State. ITA’s real property services include, but are not limited to the following:
- Last Owner Search
- UCC Name Search
- Property Tax Searches
| - Redate Existing Abstract
- Judgment/Bankruptcy Search
| - Full Abstract
- Document Copies and Recordings
| Municipal Searches - Independent Title Agency has become prominent in performing municipal searches: In-Rem (foreclosure due to unpaid property taxes), Public Utility and Infrastructure and Community Development. Representative clients are: City of Rochester, City of Syracuse, Genesee County, Monroe County, Onondaga County, Oswego County, Schenectady County, Wyoming County, Constantia-West Monroe Water District, Onondaga County Dept. of Transportation, Onondaga County Housing Development Fund Co. Inc.
In addition to performing the searches and title services, ITA can also prepare notification letters to the owners and all creditors, including preparation for mailing when requested. We are also able to deliver our information electronically, reducing paper usage.
We can customize our products to meet client needs.
Residential Services Fee Schedule:
Abstract Rate | $150 - $750 | New Abstract | $500- $900 | Bankruptcy Search | $25 - $40 per name | Patriot Search | $20 - $40 per name | Judgment & Lien Search | $50 - $150 per name | Tax Search | $35 - $175 per property | State & Local UCC Search | $50 - $150 | Franchise Tax | $25 - $50 per company | Recording Services | $25 per document |
New York State Title Insurance Rate Calculators:
Fidelity National Title: http://ratecalculator.fnf.com/ First American Title: http://fac.firstam.com/
Other Products and Services:
- Mortgage, Owners and Leasehold title policies
- Abstracts of Title: located, updated and/or replaced
| - Home Equity Reports
- Refinance Assistance
| - Foreclosure Searches
- Customized products and services

- Mortgage, Owners and Leasehold title policies
- Home Equity Reports
- Foreclosure Searches
- Abstracts of Title: located, updated and/or replaced
- Refinance Assistance
- Customized products and services


1001 James Street
Suite 10203
Syracuse, New York 13203
Phone: (315) 476-3851
Fax: (315) 476-4219