WELCOME to Independent Title Agency, LLC | Independent Title Agency, LLC ("ITA") is a full-service abstract and title company, first established in 1986, serving all of New York State. We can also coordinate ordering search and title products outside of New York State through our vendor network.
We place the utmost importance on customer service, attention to detail, and prompt and responsive professional services.
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| Independent Title's Client Web Portal is a secure, fast and reliable way to enhance your business process. Tailored to meet individual needs, clients may transmit, monitor and receive title and abstract "E-Services" through ITA's proprietary software. Electronic documents are easier to archive, share, compare and retrieve than printed documents, all while saving time, energy and paper.
Our Client Web Portal can improve operations and enhance efficiency.... everywhere business is growing. |
| Independent Title Agency has become prominent in performing municipal searches: In-Rem (foreclosure due to unpaid property taxes), Public Utility and Infrastructure and Community Development. Representative clients are: City of Rochester, City of Syracuse, Genesee County, Monroe County, Onondaga County, Oswego County, Schenectady County and Wyoming County.

- Mortgage, Owners and Leasehold title policies
- Home Equity Reports
- Foreclosure Searches
- Abstracts of Title: located, updated and/or replaced
- Refinance Assistance
- Customized products and services


1001 James Street
Suite 10203
Syracuse, New York 13203
Phone: (315) 476-3851
Fax: (315) 476-4219